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Artists Information

Dear Artists

Painting Entries

Once again it is time for your paint brushes to get into gear ready for the 2024 Daylesford Art Show to be held this year in Stanbridge Hall, just a few metres from the intersection of the main shopping area in Vincent Street on 54 Central Springs Road. You are welcome to enter your paintings from 10 July to 

2 October.


Painting drop-off

We then look forward to the arrival of your paintings on Monday 28th October between 2 and 5pm and Tuesday 29th October 10 am - 6 pm 
Between  1 and 5 November, well over 2000 people are expected to take the opportunity to enjoy, appreciate, and buy, what you have created.

More artists, more art, more visitors, more sales, more successful and you are making that difference!  Your
painting may be a prize winning entry. Your paintings could be purchased!

Members of the Rotary Club of Daylesford and the Art Show Committee thank you for ensuring that we have the opportunity to create the best show of local artistic talent ever. Your contribution helps to maintain our artistic community while also raising funds for Rotary to distribute to our community - local, national and international.

Free entry for artists for the Opening Night

In appreciation of your contribution to the Art Show, we have pleasure in providing you with a free entry ticket to the Opening Night from 6-8 pm, 31 October 2023, Stanbridge Hall. We look forward to meeting you - at the Bendigo Bank Daylesford District Opening and Award night when our two judges will be announcing the award winners.

Daylesford Rotary Art Show Judge

The 2024 Judges for the Daylesford Art Show in its 41st year are yet to be decided. Watch this space!

Major Awards


Best in Show

Community Bank Daylesford District


That Bargain Place

Second Prize



Daylesford Meat Company

Best in Show



People's Favourite




Youth Award
(12-18yr olds)

Sponsored by
Blooms the Chemist


Up & Coming


Categories & Awards $250 per category


Coming soon

Marian Alexopoulos Bridge Over Trouble Water.JPG

Coming soon

Wen Jing Huang Nude.jpg
Seascape, Urbanscape, Landscape Category

Coming soon

Pamela Gleeson Goochs Hill.jpg
Portrait and Nude Category

Coming soon

Yvonne de Valle - Margaret Ollie.jpg

Coming soon

Joan Tallent A Gaggelof Geese.JPG
Central Victoria Landscape 

Coming soon

Morag Turner old railway station Trentham.jpg
Still Life

Coming soon

Jeniffer England - Still Life with Faces.jpg

The People's Choice - the painting voted for by the most people who visited the Art Show - will be announced at midday on Melbourne Cup Day at the end of the show when all votes throughout the show have been counted.

The $250 prize will go to the artist whose painting has the most votes.


Pre and Post Art Show on-line sale - All entries will be included in an online show to further enhance potential sale opportunities. It will therefore pay to get your paintings in early!


The Raffle Prizes will be announced immediately  after the People's Choice on Melbourne Cup Day at the end of the show.​


We welcome you and your art and thank you for your participation.

Daylesford Art Show Address

Stanbridge Hall
54 Central Springs Rd,
Daylesford VIC


Jenny Hopkins



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All materials and photos, unless otherwise specified, copyright of Rotary Club of Daylesford.
All Rotary marks, logos, and copyrighted content is owned by Rotary International, used with permission.

©2024 Rotary Club of Daylesford. Proudly created with

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