The Paintings that have been provided by Brian Nash for countless art shows are a huge draw card to the purchase of multiple raffle tickets.
David Dawson (Overwrought) has been a friend of the Daylesford Art Show for over a decade. This year Overwrought has provided the second prize: a magnificent Entwined Tree Park Garden Seat; this one for the Raffle and four more for a seat at the Art Show, and then for sale! So if you miss out with the Raffle there is still an opportunity to purchase one of these unique items.
The Daylesford Art Motel and Cottage
NOTE: Two Separate Vouchers
"We are pleased to support the Daylesford Rotary Art Show 2023 Raffle providing 2 accommodation vouchers. Our premium raffle prize is a 2 night stay in our wonderful 3 bedroom Heritage Cottage which accommodates up to 6 people (worth up to $900). Our other prize is a 2 night stay in our beautiful superior suites (suitable for 2 people) (worth up to $500). Daylesford Art Motel and Heritage Cottage is located opposite the Farmers Arms Hotel Daylesford and is a short walk down to the Cliffy's Emporium and Beppe." Melissa Barker, owner.
Daylesford Trading Company has been
a popular addition to the shops in Vincent St, Daylesford.
If you win their basket full of their goodies, plus a voucher, you will be delighted!
1st Prize: Brian Nash Painting
Value $1,500.
Brian Nash has been painting professionally in oil, water colour, pastels and acrylic for over 50 years
Brian Nash: a gift to our community.
Contact: email art@briannash.com.au
2nd Prize: Overwrought Entwined Trees Garden Seat
Value $995
Entwined trees Park Seat: one for the Raffle and four for sale and also, somewhere to sit during the Opening Night
3rd Prize:
Daylesford Art Motel
Value $900 and $500
4th Prize: Daylesford Trading Co. Local Produce Value $250
Local produce, such as honey, jams, a myriad of gifts and a $100 gift voucher to spend in store.